- by matthewkapfhammer WinLinux 123 Installs
Send selected Python code snippets or whole files from SublimeText to MotionBuilder via telnet.
- by Abhishek Kumar ST4 123 Installs
Sublime Text plugin to generate python import statements and run django or pytest tests
- by jmacpherson ST2 122 Installs
LoremIpsum plugin for Sublime Editor 2
- by absszero ST3 122 Installs
No description provided
- by kylederkacz ST2 Mac 122 Installs
Lettuce feature syntax highlighting, auto-completion, and step validation for SublimeText 2
- by quyatong 122 Installs
Sublime Text syntax highlighting for single-file Cml components
- by luleyleo 121 Installs
A Sublime Text plugin which provides a command to scroll by half pages (or any custom percentage)
- by Cirru 121 Installs
Sublime Text Syntax hightlight for Cirru
- by tonsky ST4 MacLinux 121 Installs
Run any executable from your working dir in Sublime Text
- by colinkiama ST3 121 Installs
SublimeLinter plugin for Vala
- by FMCorz ST2 121 Installs
Plugin for Sublime Text to paste multiple selections to your favourite paste site.
- by MarioHenze ST3 121 Installs
No description provided
- by Aloiseau 121 Installs
Vrscene Syntax highlighter and Auto-Completion for Sublime Text
- by krishraghuram 120 Installs
Sublime Text 3 plugin that shows the frequency of each line in a document
- by cameroncooper ST4 120 Installs
Chialisp plugin for Sublime Text
- by olls 120 Installs
Package for Maze language Sublime Text integration.
- by ijoyc 120 Installs
A Sublime Text 3 package for Cocoapods. Automatically replace your pods with local pods.
- by bowphp ST3 120 Installs
This package adds syntax definitions for Bow Tintin
- by KeyboardInterrupt 119 Installs
Mellanox Syntax Highlighter for Sublime Text
- by glaucocustodio ST3 119 Installs
A Minitest buddy for Sublime Text.
- by lewislepton 119 Installs
not too dark, not too bright. just right
- by tenbits 119 Installs
Sublime Text: Mask syntax support
- by lerous ST2 118 Installs
A RabbitVCS plugin for Sublime-Text 2
- by Tobias Kopelke ST3 MacLinux 118 Installs
No description provided
- by giampierod 118 Installs
A sublime text plugin for mistral