- by jingyuexing 268 Installs
Firebase rules syntax highlighting
- by Tony Xiang ST3 268 Installs
A tool to reindent http header file from Fiddler to Python dictionary format.
- by r1x1 ST3 268 Installs
Fasterer plugin for SublimeLinter
- by ecornell ST2 266 Installs
Sublime support for editing MoonScript souce files
- by dziaineka ST3 265 Installs
snipets, highlighting and everything for atlantis vip source reading and editing with sublime text
- by dylan-lang 265 Installs
TextMate support for Dylan
- by anton-rudeshko ST3 265 Installs
Sublime Text syntax support for Yandex Wiki.
- by reqshark MacLinux 264 Installs
minimal messaging interface for Sublime Text 3
- by andrew4699 Win 264 Installs
Utility for running programs (i.e. starting a Node server) when switching Sublime Text projects
- by Greyson Potter 264 Installs
Character counter that helps you keep track of how close you are to 280 characters and allows you to easily remove whitespace when writing tiny code to be posted on Twitter!
- by oivva ST3 263 Installs
[DEPRECATED] Install "Boxy Theme Addon - Widget Font LG" (will be renamed soon) and change the font size manually. This addon will be removed soon.
- by amit-bansil ST3 263 Installs
Sublime Plugin for creating GitHub Issues from TODO tags
- by simonsinclair 263 Installs
Snippets for Sublime Text with the key features of Collider.
- by zeek 263 Installs
Zeek scripting language highlighting/support for Sublime Text
- by Infinidat ST3 261 Installs
Infinidat plug-in for Sublime Text 3
- by dahaode ST3 261 Installs
大好网站专业创建插件(仅支持 Sublime Text 3)。
- by ttscoff Mac 261 Installs
Bunch is a Mac automation app that runs on plain text files with the extension `.bunch`. It has its own "language", and this package provides syntax highlighting for Bunch files, as well as light/dark color schemes, snippets for common commands, and completion for app names.
- by jereze ST3 260 Installs
Sublime Text 3 plugin for Dataiku DSS
- by frithrah 260 Installs
A collection of four minimal colour schemes for Sublime Text.
- by sup 260 Installs
:blue_book: barebones haxe language support for sublime text
- by Seich ST3 259 Installs
A Sublime Text Plugin for Beau
- by Victor Laerte 258 Installs
Bundle with TrumpIsum + DilmesIpsum
- by dotmaster ST2 257 Installs
- by asfaltboy 256 Installs
run python tests quickly from within a project
- by r-stein 256 Installs
Language Support of MscGen for Sublime Text