ctrl+shift+p filters: :st2 :st3 :win :osx :linux


  • ScummC

    by idleberg 92 Installs
    Syntax completions for ScummC functions and variable names
  • Pushb

    by geovanisouza92 92 Installs
    Send Sublime Text contents to PushBullet
  • Toggle Sidebar and Reveal Current File

    by stuartelimu 90 Installs
    A Sublime Text 3 plugin to toggle sidebar and reveal file
  • Gluecodium

    by Hsilgos ST3 90 Installs
    Syntax highlight for https://github.com/heremaps/gluecodium
  • XUL and XBL

    by thomcc ST3 89 Installs
    Sublime text package adding syntax highlighting to XUL and/or XBL files.
  • Virgil

    by lpstein 88 Installs
    Sublime Text syntax highlighting for the Virgil language
  • EasyOpen

    by eiji.ienaga ST2 Mac 88 Installs
    Easy Open file helper tool. mac only
  • Define Parser

    by ukyouz ST4 88 Installs
    A Sublime Text Plugin helps you getting values of #define in C source code.
  • Blossom Theme

    by BlossomTheme 88 Installs
    Blossom Theme for Sublime Text
  • Aethra Color Scheme

    by vlasikhin ST3 87 Installs
    Aethra is a minimalist color scheme for Sublime Text, designed with simplicity and clarity in mind.
  • XLI Template Converter

    by apex2060 ST2 87 Installs
    Agilix now provides you with templates - which you can manipulate and override. You can use this plugin for sublimetext which will compile and de-compile any templates so you can easily modify and override existing templates.
  • Smithy

    by albe-rosado 87 Installs
    Syntax Support for Smithy IDL.
  • FullwidthTabSpaces

    by woodmix ST3 86 Installs
    Sublime plugin to optimize the function of translate_tabs_to_spaces for lines containing full-width characters
  • Squiggle

    by squiggle-lang 86 Installs
  • Split To Buffer

    by berendbaas ST2 86 Installs
    Very simple plugin that takes the selected regions in a file and pastes them in individual new files.
  • Snappy

    by chenditc MacLinux 85 Installs
    Reads Snappy files in Sublime Text. Snappy files are opened in read-only mode.
  • Grace

    by zmthy 85 Installs
    A Textmate Bundle for the Grace programming language
  • Hyle

    by Hyle-Script 84 Installs
    This package is designed to help reading and writing .hyle files.
  • Comments-only Color Scheme

    by cyevgeniy 84 Installs
    Color scheme without syntax highlighting for Sublime Text
  • gamY

    by MartinBonde ST3 Win 84 Installs
    Syntax files and more to support gamY in SublimeText3. gamY is a macro langauge built on top of GAMS.
  • WebHare

    by WebHare ST3 MacLinux 84 Installs
    WebHare integration for Sublime Text
  • Subtitle Sync

    by apiad ST2 84 Installs
    A tiny plugin for changing sync of subtitle files in Sublime Text
  • PureCM

    by PureCM 84 Installs
    Supports PureCM checkout, add, delete, revert, diff, history, update, submit and
  • EasyWinPath

    by DeusDeorum1 83 Installs
    Sublime text 3 plugin for dealing easily with win path in json or similar files
  • RulerProximityIndicator

    by monsieurluge ST3 83 Installs
    Ruler Proximity Indicator plugin for Sublime Text