- by Colin T.A. Gray (colinta) ST3 50K Installs
Converts single to double or double to single quotes. Attempts to preserve correct escaping, though this could be improved I'm sure.
- by elicwhite 49K Installs
Sublime Text 3 Plugin to Autoformat with Eslint
- by evgeny-golubev 49K Installs
Sublime Text plugin for Laravel 4 Artisan and Jeffrey Way Generators
- by shiyanhui 49K Installs
A powerful file templating plugin for Sublime Text
- by devtellect 48K Installs
jQuery Mobile code snippets for Sublime Text 2
- by Osman Alperen Elhan 48K Installs
Numix theme for Sublime Text 3
- by jwortmann ST3 48K Installs
Color scheme for Sublime Text inspired by Adobe Brackets
- by misalazovic 48K Installs
PHP MySQLi connection is a Sublime Text 2 snippet for fast creation of PHP MySQLi connection script
- by euler0 48K Installs
GLSL Syntax Highlighting for Sublime Text 2, 3, and 4
- by nikeee 48K Installs
Dark Visual Studio color scheme for Sublime Text
- by svenax 48K Installs
Simple print function for Sublime Text. Handles printing current file, selection, or clipboard.
- by facelessuser ST3 47K Installs
View and edit line endings for Sublime Text
- by caiogondim 47K Installs
:mortar_board: JavaScript Patterns snippets for Sublime Text
- by s-a 47K Installs
A Sublime Text Refactor Plugin for Javascript Code
- by korniychuk 47K Installs
Many snippets for quick creation of sql commands
- by socsieng 46K Installs
A Sublime Text package for indenting and formatting XML and JSON content
- by pl-ca ST3 46K Installs
Sublime Text 3 plugin that offers auto-completion of C/C++ structure members or class attributes and methods.
- by facelessuser ST3 46K Installs
Simple find and replace sequencer plugin for Sublime Text http://facelessuser.github.io/RegReplace/
- by y0ssar1an ST2 46K Installs
Sublime Text package for CSS3 syntax highlighting.
- by sptndc 46K Installs
A Grunt task runner for Sublime Text
- by cjltsod 46K Installs
Chinese Lorem for sublime
- by Jatana ST3 46K Installs
Tools for competitive programming for Sublime Text 3 & 4
- by alnkpa 45K Installs
This a Prolog syntax highlighting for Sublime Text 2 & 3
- by Andrey Vasnetsov aka generall 45K Installs
Sublime Text plugin for automatic code alignment.
- by SublimeText ST3 45K Installs
Shopify Liquid syntax for Sublime Text