- by Tomas Barry 151 Installs
Auto-complete a git commit co-authorship
- by mtdb ST2 151 Installs
Provides build systems for `.mustache` files. Requires hulk (via hogan.js) on OSX and Linux.
- by RohitMazumder Win 151 Installs
A Sublime Text 3 plugin for parsing and running sample testcases with ease!
- by lewdlime ST3 150 Installs
ABC Notation syntax, snippets, and more, for Sublime Text.
- by jcowgar ST2 150 Installs
A plugin for Sublime that will duplicate what is the same between the previous two lines
- by robbl ST2 150 Installs
A simple Sublime Text 2 plugin to switch segments of text with predefined replacements.
- by kode4food 150 Installs
Sublime Package for Interpol Templates
- by noelmurasko 149 Installs
Syntax highlighting for Asymptote in Sublime Text.
- by tedmiston Mac 149 Installs
Sublime Text → Tower
- by tijn 148 Installs
Waxeye syntax highlighter for Sublime Text
- by AdeptLanguage 148 Installs
Adept syntax highlighting for Sublime Text
- by Pau1R WinMac 147 Installs
Intelligent folding for OpenEdge ABL, developed for Sublime Text
- by Aaron Fu Lei 147 Installs
Quick-find aware of case-sensitive / whole-word / wrap-scan flags.
- by pajacobson ST3 147 Installs
Unity - Unit Testing for C Completions for Sublime Text
- by href ST3 147 Installs
Elvish shell syntax highlighting for Sublime Text 3
- by tajmone ST4 146 Installs
Unicon syntax support for Sublime Text 4
- by blurstudio ST2/ST3 Win 146 Installs
A Sublime Text 3/4 package that connects with the Debugger plugin to debug Python code in Maya
- by Mozillion ST2 Win 146 Installs
Speech recognition for Sublime Speech 2
- by thespacedoctor 146 Installs
Sublime Text Snippets for the transientNamer python package: https://github.com/thespacedoctor/transientNamer
- by artursartamonovs 146 Installs
No description provided
- by billymoon ST2 146 Installs
Pipe Dream plugin for Sublime Text 2 - Pipes selected text through shell commands
- by andymaster01 ST3 146 Installs
Sublime text syntax recognition for the Chipper CHIP8 Assembler Language
- by aroliant ST3 145 Installs
Sublime Text Plugin for CodeShark Coding Platform
- by sambauers ST3 144 Installs
Adds support for ts-standard in SublimeLinter.
- by Tomas Barry 143 Installs
A plugin for Sublime Text providing an interface to CWebP