- by nucleic 145 Installs
Enaml Syntax Package for SublimeText
- by lewdlime ST3 144 Installs
ABC Notation syntax, snippets, and more, for Sublime Text.
- by thespacedoctor 144 Installs
Sublime Text Snippets for the transientNamer python package: https://github.com/thespacedoctor/transientNamer
- by edubkendo ST2 143 Installs
Basic syntax highlighting for FXML and tools for working with JRubyFX
- by osternaudClem ST3 142 Installs
WeSnipp Plugin for Sublime Text. Add and Search snippet with the WeSnipp API
- by Miroslav Gavrilov 142 Installs
Basic firebase tools integration for Sublime Text 3
- by href ST3 142 Installs
Elvish shell syntax highlighting for Sublime Text 3
- by andymaster01 ST3 141 Installs
Sublime text syntax recognition for the Chipper CHIP8 Assembler Language
- by MGorkov ST3 141 Installs
Explain PostgreSQL plugin for Sublime Text
- by Isaac-the-Man ST3 141 Installs
Sublime Text plugin for creating .gitignore from templates.
- by uqbar-project 141 Installs
Sublime Package for Wollok Language
- by blurstudio ST2/ST3 Win 141 Installs
A Sublime Text 3/4 package that connects with the Debugger plugin to debug Python code in Maya
- by FracturedShader 141 Installs
Snippets for the Kaneva APIs
- by pajacobson ST3 140 Installs
Unity - Unit Testing for C Completions for Sublime Text
- by paulyoung 140 Installs
Support for the Flow Based Programming DSL.
- by fukayatsu ST3 140 Installs
A fun plugin which provide text decoration
- by tajmone ST4 140 Installs
Unicon syntax support for Sublime Text 4
- by aroliant ST3 140 Installs
Sublime Text Plugin for CodeShark Coding Platform
- by Aaron Fu Lei 140 Installs
Quick-find aware of case-sensitive / whole-word / wrap-scan flags.
- by Pau1R WinMac 139 Installs
Intelligent folding for OpenEdge ABL, developed for Sublime Text
- by sambauers ST3 139 Installs
Adds support for ts-standard in SublimeLinter.
- by educbraga 139 Installs
A plugin for Sublime Text that allows you to open, focus, and close the sidebar with the same keyboard shortcut.
- by drhayes 139 Installs
A Jamon plugin for Sublime Text 2.
- by mitsu-ksgr ST3 139 Installs
Hiragana/Katakana converter for Sublime Text 3
- by fk128 138 Installs
No description provided