ctrl+shift+p filters: :st2 :st3 :win :osx :linux


  • Polygen

    by Tristano Ajmone ST3 49 Installs
    Polygen syntax for Sublime Text 3
  • EnhancedFontResizer

    by OdatNurd ST4 49 Installs
    Advanced font resizing for Sublime Text 4
  • Snowball Syntax

    by assem-ch ST3 49 Installs
    Syntax Highlighting for Snowball framwork destinated to stemming
  • SmartIM

    by overcache Mac 49 Installs
    reset input method to us when enter normal_mode, and restore previous input method when you enter insert_mode

    by Heyu Lin 48 Installs
    Sublime Text syntax package for FASTA format
  • Gekko

    by MartinBonde Win 48 Installs
    Gekko package for Sublime
  • GitHub Desktop

    by braver Mac 48 Installs
    Open GitHub Desktop from Sublime
  • MRL syntax highlighting

    by Denis Koshechkin ST3 47 Installs
    MRL syntax highliting for Sublime Text 3
  • RemoteTree

    by deNULL ST3 WinMac 47 Installs
    Sublime Text 3 plugin for browsing remote file tree via SFTP
  • MThuy Local Sync

    by ln8711 ST3 47 Installs
    MThuy Local Sync, a plugin for Sublime Text 3 do local synchronize on file save
  • SublimeLinter-contrib-csl

    by Marcool04 ST3 47 Installs
    SublimeLinter plugin for the Citation Style Language (CSL)
  • KuaiJi

    by ChengAnXu2014 ST3 47 Installs
    No description provided
  • Fis

    by pianist829 ST2 47 Installs
  • Pep

    by pedrorgirardi ST4 47 Installs
    Elemental Clojure & ClojureScript code navigation, documentation, and usages analysis for Sublime Text.
  • rdio

    by jamesfzhang ST3 Mac 47 Installs
    Control Rdio for Mac playstate, track info, collections & mobile sync
  • OpenFileOverSSH

    by AncientRoman ST4 47 Installs
    A Sublime Plugin that allows a File to be Opened on a Remote Machine over ssh and seamlessly edited and Saved back to the remote machine
  • SumoSwissKnife

    by scrummastermind ST3 47 Installs
    Sublime Text Swiss Knife For Sumo Logic
  • SwinGameCompletions

    by DunNZ 47 Installs
    An easy way to access SwinGame from within Sublime Text.
  • Rholang

    by tgrospic 46 Installs
    Rholang plugin for SublimeText
  • Cuneiform

    by joergen7 ST3 46 Installs
    Syntax highlighting for Cuneiform in Sublime Text 3
  • Paste Plus

    by GGets ST3 Win 46 Installs
    A Sublime Text plugin to allow copying paths from file(s) in Windows Explorer.
  • Pharko

    by marczhermo ST3 46 Installs
    A Sublime Text 3 plugin for organising shared snippets by you and other community members.
  • EC2Upload

    by camperdave ST2 Win 46 Installs
    Upload the current file to your EC2 instance. Currently uses PuTTY and only works on Windows!
  • Ciapre Mod

    by Jztsaurabh 46 Installs
    Started with Ciapre but it's gone a long way and hugely changed
  • Kattis

    by matys18 46 Installs
    A sublime plugin for submitting solutions to Kattis