- by kyamaguchi ST3 230 Installs
Sublime text 3 plugin to help to refactor duplicated code
- by isRyven 229 Installs
Quake3 script and shader syntax highlighting for Sublime Text
- by loquens 229 Installs
Sublime Text open/save file prompt with tab completion and configurable suggestions variants.
- by testo-lang ST3 229 Installs
Syntax highlight for Testo framework
- by potato4d 229 Installs
This is the Sublime Text HSP syntax package.
- by Pugsworth ST2 229 Installs
Plugin for sublime to help searching through the glua documentation straight from the editor.
- by abathur ST3 228 Installs
Sublime syntax highlighting support for LDMud / LPC (Lars Pensjö C)
- by vipex 228 Installs
KIXstart language definition for TextMate and Sublime Text
- by axsuul 228 Installs
Toggle RSpec blocks with :focus using keyboard shortcuts within Sublime Text
- by driazati 227 Installs
sublime text syntax highlighting for LC-2200 for gatech CS-2200
- by Sepehr Aryani 227 Installs
twilight bright colour scheme for sublime text
- by giampaolo ST3 227 Installs
SublimeLinter plugin for Makefiles
- by Hugibeer 227 Installs
Rhetos DSL syntax support for Sublime text
- by ofekih ST3 227 Installs
A LOLCODE sublimetext 3 package
- by zergin ST3 226 Installs
SublimeText 3 plugin for encoding and decoding hashids (hashids.org).
- by AncientRoman ST4 226 Installs
A lightweight Sublime Plugin for Opening a File on a Remote Machine over ssh and seamlessly editing and Saving back to remote
- by idleberg ST3 226 Installs
SublimeLinter plugin for Homebrew formulas
- by blcook223 225 Installs
A Singularity.gs plugin for Sublime Text 3
- by xeno-by 225 Installs
Nemerle support for Sublime Text 2
- by krizalys 224 Installs
Portage package for Sublime Text.
- by Cyber-Duck Ltd 223 Installs
A Sublime Text 3 plugin to easily navigate around your Titanium Alloy application source code.
- by budlime ST4 223 Installs
A simple Sublime Text packages that helps you keep project notes organized
- by imnotril 223 Installs
Port of Fall syntax color scheme to Sublime text
- by sublimelsp ST4 223 Installs
Language tooling for the Bicep language
- by andrenanninga 223 Installs
Small sublime text package to show the countdown for Ludum Dare in the status bar