- by paulyoung 141 Installs
Support for the Flow Based Programming DSL.
- by Pau1R WinMac 141 Installs
Intelligent folding for OpenEdge ABL, developed for Sublime Text
- by FracturedShader 141 Installs
Snippets for the Kaneva APIs
- by fk128 140 Installs
No description provided
- by archydragon ST3 140 Installs
Janet language support for Sublime Text
- by drhayes 140 Installs
A Jamon plugin for Sublime Text 2.
- by mitsu-ksgr ST3 140 Installs
Hiragana/Katakana converter for Sublime Text 3
- by artursartamonovs 140 Installs
No description provided
- by noelmurasko 140 Installs
Syntax highlighting for Asymptote in Sublime Text.
- by bywwcnll 139 Installs
TrunPage snippet
- by gerardroche ST3 139 Installs
NeoVintageous Colemak mappings.
- by smac89 ST4 Linux 139 Installs
Fix auto dark mode for sublime on Linux :sunglasses:
- by Tomas Barry 137 Installs
A plugin for Sublime Text providing an interface to CWebP
- by esoftplay 137 Installs
esoftplay snippets on sublimeText
- by shagabutdinov 137 Installs
Automation for joining/unjoining chain calls
- by TiborIntelSoft 137 Installs
Syntax higlighting for the Shuffle tool of Utrecht University
- by gourmet 137 Installs
This plugin aims to help CakePHP developers using the Gourmet suite of plugins.
- by Celestino Gomes (tinogomes) 136 Installs
FactoryBot Snippets for Sublime Text 2/3 (imported from old FactoryGirl)
- by bthorben ST2 136 Installs
- by rahulsharmagg 136 Installs
Candy Dark is a Sublime Color Scheme for all who loves color while coding. This Color Scheme is specially designed for JavaScript.
- by leocwolter 136 Installs
Package for sublime with syntax highlight and snippets of tubaina's afc format
- by foursquare MacLinux 136 Installs
No description provided
- by mingyuanyun-open ST3 135 Installs
appcloud plugin for sublime text3
- by Cotonti 135 Installs
Cotonti CMF snippets for SublimeText 2 and SublimeText 3
- by R32 ST3 135 Installs
.NML Syntax Highlighting and Auto Completion for Core Lib