- by Egor Iskrenkov 211 Installs
Fully customizable Sublime Text plugin that automatically inserts configured pragma comments for you
- by gerardroche 211 Installs
Laravel testing Sublime Text completions.
- by Joaquin Miguez ST2 MacLinux 210 Installs
Perform a custom action after saving a file
- by Odhin Themes 208 Installs
Odhin Theme for Sublime
- by goodmind 208 Installs
Sublime plugin which deletes what you typing
- by ivershuo ST2 208 Installs
No description provided
- by externl 208 Installs
Z directory jumping for Sublime Text
- by zhongxingdou Mac 208 Installs
auto switch input method to U.S. for vintage command mode in sublime text
- by garfieldnate 207 Installs
Package for Soar development in Sublime Text
- by AndorChen ST2 206 Installs
A Sublime Text Package to l10n the UI.
- by Elliot Marsden ST3 205 Installs
Format Haskell with Brittany in SublimeText
- by kapitanluffy ST4 205 Installs
🧠Never get lost again navigating your code with Compass! Filter your list of open MRU tabs / files easily!
- by Kay-Uwe (Kiwi) Lorenz (klorenz) 205 Installs
Create portable sublime configurations only valid in local environments.
- by maltize ST2 205 Installs
Let your project feel the moo!
- by cortoproject 204 Installs
Cortex support for Sublime Text
- by jordan-g 204 Installs
NEURON .hoc, .ses, .inc and .mod syntax highlighting for Sublime Text.
- by hadisfr 204 Installs
sublime syntax definition for LaTeX Bibliography Style (bst) files
- by AncientRoman ST4 204 Installs
A lightweight Sublime Plugin for Opening a File on a Remote Machine over ssh and seamlessly editing and Saving back to remote
- by gerph ST3 204 Installs
Nano RC configuration file syntax colouring for SublimeText 3
- by kassi ST2 203 Installs
Commands for daily use of rspec
- by Terry Rosen ST2 Win 203 Installs
Compiles and beautifies your CSS and LESS files using RECESS
- by gerardroche ST3 203 Installs
Open PHP manual for keyword under cursor.
- by arnaud-f 203 Installs
Sublime Text plugin to go to marked comments
- by toboid 202 Installs
Syntax highlighting for FSP notation in sublime text
- by SublimeText ST4 201 Installs
A Sublime Text plugin to open folders as projects