- by tcppjp ST3 49 Installs
Provides syntax highlighting for TECS (TOPPERS Embedded Component System) CDL files.
- by anubhavkrishna1 ST3 49 Installs
JellyFish: A Dark color sheme For sublime text 4. Inspired from vscode-jellyfish.
- by thespacedoctor 49 Installs
Sublime Text Snippets for rockfinder: https://github.com/thespacedoctor/rockfinder
- by judah-caruso ST3 49 Installs
Simplistic Markup Language
- by degami MacLinux 48 Installs
A Sublime Text 3 plugin which gets passwords from your passwordstore.
- by SublimeText ST3 48 Installs
Cottle syntax for Sublime Text
- by DunNZ 47 Installs
An easy way to access SwinGame from within Sublime Text.
- by cafuneandchill 47 Installs
Syntax highlighting for the EXAPUNKS assembly language in Sublime Text
- by dataductus ST3 47 Installs
No description provided
- by pianist829 ST2 47 Installs
- by denull ST3 WinMac 47 Installs
Sublime Text 3 plugin for browsing remote file tree via SFTP
- by pointless-lang ST3 46 Installs
Pointless syntax support for Sublime Text
- by camperdave ST2 Win 46 Installs
Upload the current file to your EC2 instance. Currently uses PuTTY and only works on Windows!
- by ichichikin ST3 46 Installs
Interactivity lets you run local shell commands and scripts directly within your Sublime Text editor, providing the output alongside your written content. Use your favorite tools like Python, Node.js, Java, Perl, PHP, bash, or any other REPLs.
- by jolivares Linux 46 Installs
Sublime plugin which logs events to zeitgeist
- by Jztsaurabh 46 Installs
Started with Ciapre but it's gone a long way and hugely changed
- by royisme ST2 Mac 45 Installs
Sublime Text 2 Plugin to writer and deploy Octopress
- by jonnyarnold 45 Installs
Textmate/Sublime Text syntax highlighting for Fn
- by dave-f ST2 45 Installs
A simple Sublime Text plugin to view text (eg debug logs) over a UDP port
- by thespacedoctor 45 Installs
Sublime Text Snippets for panstamps: https://github.com/thespacedoctor/panstamps
- by Vasfed ST3 44 Installs
SublimeText starlark syntax package
- by uniqpath 44 Installs
.def syntax highlighting for SublimeText
- by jakelucas ST2 44 Installs
A Sublime Text 2 and 3 plugin that ensures you will always have a permanent preview of a transient file open when all tabs are closed wherever possible
- by thespacedoctor 44 Installs
Sublime Text Snippets for tastic: https://github.com/thespacedoctor/tastic
- by setap 44 Installs
No description provided