- by memoryleak 639 Installs
A repository with Ansible Snippets for Sublime Text
- by alienhard Top 100 1.09M Installs
Extend Sublime autocompletion to find matches in all open files of the current window
- by iTitou 849 Installs
Sublime Text 3 package for AmbientTalk (forked from TextMate bundle)
- by evandrocoan ST3 2K Installs
Auto-complete and Build System for Amx Mod X on Sublime Text
- by DamnWidget ST3 Top 100 1.05M Installs
Anaconda turns your Sublime Text 3 in a full featured Python development IDE including autocompletion, code linting, IDE features, autopep8 formating, McCabe complexity checker Vagrant and Docker support for Sublime Text 3 using Jedi, PyFlakes, pep8, MyPy, PyLint, pep257 and McCabe that will never freeze your Sublime Text 3
- by DamnWidget ST3 40K Installs
AnacondaGO adds autocompletion, linting and IDE features for Golang to your Sublime Text 3
- by DamnWidget ST3 10K Installs
Anaconda Rust offers auto completion, auto formatting and linting for Rust language that will never freeze your Sublime Text 3
- by ribot 10K Installs
A Sublime Text 2/3 plugin which automatically adds imports from the Android SDK.
- by ribot 8K Installs
Snippets to help out with Android
- by angular-ui Top 100 437K Installs
AngularJS code completion, snippets, go to definition, quick panel search, and more.
- by DWand 6K Installs
A plugin for Sublime Text that adds apiDoc tags to list of code completion suggestions
- by idleberg 6K Installs
AppleScript command completions, build system and useful snippets. Supports editing binary scripts
- by sh4nks 113K Installs
A simple Sublime Text Plugin that auto closes HTML tags right after '>'.
- by NSUSpray ST3 426 Installs
More powerful AutoIt language and Plys dialect package for Sublime Text including context help and “goto” feature.
- by asparc Win 1K Installs
Sublime Text plugin with autocompletion, documentation generation and a command panel for Matlab.
- by avajs ST3 630 Installs
Snippets for AVA
- by sotojuan ST3 97 Installs
Snippets for AVA using standard
- by Builder's Brewery (buildersbrewery) ST4 3K Installs
LSL for Sublime Text 4073+ with linting, tooltips & completions with your indent style of choice.
- by aqzhyi 69K Installs
手刻的浪漫 DEPRECATED, use TypeScript!
- by mario33881 173 Installs
BLIF (SIS' Berkeley Logic Interchange Format) syntax highlighter and autocompleter package for Sublime Text
- by Webchun Top 100 244K Installs
Bootstrap 3 Autocomplete for Sublime Text 3
- by Fabrice Piedanna 70K Installs
Twitter Bootstrap 3 Jade Snippets
- by Webchun Top 100 292K Installs
Bootstrap 4 Autocomplete for Sublime Text 3
- by Proficient Designers ST3 66K Installs
Bootstrap v4.4.1 Autocomplete Class
- by jfcherng ST4 26K Installs
Sublime Text 4 plugin for Bootstrap class name autocompletion.
- by dlzi 555 Installs
Sublime Text 3 autocomplete plugin for Brevis CSS toolkit.
- by idleberg 3K Installs
BridleNSIS syntax definitions and completions for Sublime Text
- by Leuchte 10K Installs
Sublime Text autocomplete plugin for the Bulma CSS Framework
- by Adi 14K Installs
Canvas Snippets makes coding with HTML5 Canvas APIs easier.
- by ibensw Linux 2K Installs
A code completion plugin for sublime text 3
- by tushortz Trending 95K Installs
C++ Completions for Sublime text.
- by aam 1K Installs
Cfserver C/C++ bundle for Sublime
- by cameroncooper ST4 128 Installs
Chialisp plugin for Sublime Text
- by getchopstick 780 Installs
Sublime Text autocomplete
- by thenewvu 30K Installs
A Sublime Text 2/3 plugin that provides CMake quick reference, auto-completion and syntax highlight
- by sevas 7K Installs
CMake code snippets and completion for variables and commands in Sublime Text 2/3
- by tkyaji 841 Installs
autocomplete for cocos2d-x mruby binding.
- by Codeium Trending 11K Installs
Codeium Sublime package
- by ManxStef 6K Installs
CodeKit .kit file syntax highlighting for Sublime Text
- by Desean1625 16K Installs
Sublime Text add on that provides autocomplete for PSR4 compliant PHP classes, and inline docs
- by David Bekoyan 80K Installs
This plugin helps you to work easily with log statements
- by Jatana ST3 46K Installs
Tools for competitive programming for Sublime Text 3 & 4
- by ryboe ST3 Top 100 504K Installs
The most complete CSS support for Sublime Text
- by subhaze 105K Installs
CSS Completions, LESS Completions, SCSS Completions
- by id-sakurata 192 Installs
Sublime plugin autocomplete css.
- by alexmacy 3K Installs
Sublime Text package for D3.js v4
- by etoundi2nd 340 Installs
Sublime Text Package for DaisyUI autocompletion
- by drakeirving 1K Installs
Sublime Text package for the Touhou Danmakufu (東方弾幕風) scripting language.
- by rossedman 3K Installs
Bourbon & Neat Sublime Text Snippets & Auto Completions
- by vitalfadeev ST3 957 Installs
Sublime 3/4 D-lang AutoImport plugin. Add "import ...." for symbol.
- by vitalfadeev ST3 297 Installs
Sublime 3 D AutoModuleName plugin. Add "module path.folder.name;".
- by 20Tauri 22K Installs
Create, Update, Translate comments for 50+ languages and 15+ documenting tools (including Doxygen, JsDoc3, PhpDoc). This edition of DoxyDoxygen includes some DocBlockr shortcuts that are not in the regular edition.
- by thep0y ST4 52K Installs
Sublime Text DocBlockr for python. Simplifies writing docstring comments in Python.
- by RicherMans ST3 1K Installs
Sublime 3 Pydoc plugin
- by bgx4k3p ST3 3K Installs
DokuWiki syntax highlighting and basic TAB-autocompletions for Sublime Text 3
- by XavierCHN 3K Installs
KV, Lua, Panorama syntax, completions and highlight for DOTA 2 reborn custom gamemode development with sublinme text 2/3
- by Rapptz 16K Installs
A sublime text plugin for C++ document autocompletion
- by 20Tauri 39K Installs
Make commenting easier. Supports Doxygen, JsDoc3, PhpDocumentor...
- by 20Tauri 1K Installs
DoxyDoxygen plugin for HeaderDoc
- by 20Tauri 4K Installs
Get the lastest DoxyDoxygen evolutions before everybody and help to create future.
- by SpaceManiac ST3 454 Installs
Sublime Text 3 package for SpacemanDMM's dm-langserver. Report issues on SpacemanDMM.
- by idleberg 456 Installs
Sublime Text completions for NSIS, right kinda wrong
- by idleberg 1K Installs
Sublime Text completions for PHP, right kinda wrong
- by tanc 10K Installs
A Sublime Text 2 plugin which provides autocomplete for all Drupal functions.
- by zanuka 6K Installs
:dash: SublimeText Package : Dust syntax + completions
- by julux 282 Installs
EasyCatalog syntax function and snippets to Sublime Text with .ecc (EasyCatalog Code extension files)
- by niosus ST3 52K Installs
:boom: Robust C/C++ code completion for Sublime Text 3/4
- by cklosowski 390 Installs
Sublime Text 2/3 Auto Completion library for EDD
- by tushortz ST3 3K Installs
Plugin to automatically import required modules/classes/packages. For sublime text
- by emmetio ST3 Top 25 6.08M Installs
The essential toolkit for web-developers
- by idleberg ST3 5K Installs
Sublime Text completions to insert escaped Emoji codes into HTML, CSS, JavaScript and Ruby
- by jbrooksuk 478 Installs
Completions file for Entypo font icon
- by CasperLaiTW 24K Installs
The package to help use erb template user that easy and quick to finish the erb tag.
- by Heedster 13K Installs
A sublime text plugin for Expressjs Autocompletions
- by ArtiomL 1K Installs
Sublime Text package for F5 iRules syntax highlighting and auto-completion
- by rcraggs 67 Installs
No description provided
- by geekpradd 18K Installs
Flask Autocompletions and Snippets for Sublime Text
- by tanrax 3K Installs
Flask modern snippet for Sublime Text 3
- by Pegase745 ST3 3K Installs
A full featured Flow type support for Sublime Text 3
- by SirNickolas ST3 179 Installs
Fluent localization system support
- by webchun 4K Installs
Zurb Foundation 6 Autocomplete for Sublime text
- by sagold 41K Installs
Autocomplete relative or absolute file paths in Sublime Text project folder
- by runxel 1K Installs
:pencil: A Sublime Text package for the programming language GDL (Geometric Description Language)
- by austincrft ST3 14K Installs
Gherkin Auto-Complete Plus is a Sublime Text plugin that will catalog Gherkin steps from the *.feature files of the provided directory, and provide autocomplete suggestions based on the catalogued steps.
- by sumeetksinha 279 Installs
Syntax Highlighting and auto-completion rules for gmessi file (which is a semantic file written in python to tanslates from Gmsh to UCD ESSI (.fei) File Format).
- by sumeetksinha 1K Installs
Gmsh snippets and syntax highlighting for gmsh (http://gmsh.info/)
- by tushortz 7K Installs
GNU Octave Completions for Sublime text
- by yields ST3 31K Installs
An opinionated plugin for Go
- by osoco 12K Installs
Grails support for Sublime Text
- by a-ludi 2K Installs
Provides completion for greek letter in sublime Text 2/3.
- by SiebelsTim 6K Installs
Hack's typechecker & autocompletion inside Sublime Text
- by CNIAngel 333 Installs
This Sublime Text 3 package is made to help out people who are just starting or are already in the process of making their Hacknet Extentions.
- by tbpalsulich 99 Installs
Syntax highlighting and snippets for the HACS compiler generator
- by idleberg 2K Installs
Sublime Text completions for Haskell NSIS, a DSL for producing Windows installers
- by Suor ST4 623 Installs
Sublime Text 2/3 style auto completion for ST4
- by Taiwo Kareem ST3 3K Installs
A sublime text plugin that attempts to provide intellisense for various programming languages
- by shortcutme ST3 9K Installs
Quick function parameter hint for Sublime 3.x.
- by jbrooksuk ST3 6K Installs
Sublime Text 3 plugin to display function tooltips
- by Bernardoow 12K Installs
Ionic 2 Package with Snippets for Sublime Text.
- by Matheus Cardoso 24K Installs
Autocompletions of Ionic Framework to Sublime Text
- by dakshika 430 Installs
Snippet and syntax highlighting for jaggeryjs
- by tushortz 43K Installs
Turn your Sublime text into a java completion text editor.
- by pichillilorenzo ST3 81K Installs
JavaScript Enhancements is a plugin for Sublime Text 3. It offers not only a smart javascript autocomplete but also a lot of features about creating, developing and managing javascript projects (real-time errors, code refactoring, etc.).
- by zanuka 216 Installs
JunoCommander is a Sublime Text package tailor-made for max productivity in the Juno framework.
- by srusskih Trending 223K Installs
awesome Python autocompletion with SublimeText
- by markalfred 1K Installs
Sublime Text snippets for the Jeet grid system
- by 23maverick23 19K Installs
A Sublime Text package for Jekyll static sites.
- by KnutHelland 444 Installs
No description provided
- by eparisio 4K Installs
JSTL / JSP snippet for costructor and autocomplete attribute
- by kiteco ST3 28K Installs
Kite Autocomplete Plugin for Sublime Text: Featuring AI-powered autocompletions, advanced function signatures, and instant documentation
- by ivlevdenis 13K Installs
Kivy language definition for Sublime Text
- by phil65 ST3 769 Installs
ST3 plugin to help with Kodi skinning / scripting (IDE-like)
- by gerardroche 217 Installs
Laravel testing Sublime Text completions.
- by Ben Reeves 244 Installs
Sublime Text 3 plugin for LC-2K assembly language.
- by SublimeText ST3 Top 100 705K Installs
Less syntax for Sublime Text
- by trevordevore ST3 18K Installs
LiveCode Language Package for SublimeText
- by LTM 969 Installs
Logitech G-Series LUA API
- by Makopo 3K Installs
Syntax definitions for LSL(Linden Scripting Language) in Second Life and OSSL(OpenSimulator Scripting Language) in OpenSimulator.
- by sublimelsp ST3 164K Installs
Client implementation of the Language Server Protocol for Sublime Text
- by sublimelsp ST3 3K Installs
Convenience plugin for Angular Language Service
- by sublimelsp ST4 1K Installs
Astro support for Sublime's LSP plugin
- by sublimelsp ST4 897 Installs
Python support for Sublime's LSP plugin provided through DetachHead/basedpyright.
- by sublimelsp ST3 9K Installs
Bash support for Sublime's LSP plugin provided through bash-language-server.
- by sublimelsp ST4 232 Installs
Language tooling for the Bicep language
- by sublimelsp ST4 Trending 17K Installs
C/C++ support for Sublime's LSP plugin provided through clangd.
- by TheSecEng, jfcherng ST4 21K Installs
GitHub Copilot support for Sublime Text LSP plugin provided through Copilot.vim.
- by sublimelsp ST3 13K Installs
CSS, SCSS, LESS support for Sublime's LSP plugin
- by sublimelsp ST4 3K Installs
Convenience plugin for the Dart Analysis Server, bundled in the Dart SDK
- by sublimelsp ST4 2K Installs
Convenience package for starting the deno lsp server
- by sublimelsp ST3 9K Installs
Dockerfile support for Sublime's LSP plugin
- by sublimelsp ST3 4K Installs
Elixir support for Sublime LSP plugin
- by sublimelsp ST3 806 Installs
Elm support for Sublime's LSP plugin
- by jdkato ST4 114 Installs
A gnols client for Sublime Text.
- by sublimelsp ST4 Trending 12K Installs
Golang support for Sublime's LSP plugin
- by sublimelsp ST3 2K Installs
GraphQL support for Sublime's LSP package
- by sublimelsp ST3 13K Installs
HTML support for Sublime's LSP plugin
- by sublimelsp ST3 18K Installs
PHP support for Sublime's LSP plugin provided through intelephense.
- by sublimelsp ST4 4K Installs
Convenience package for the Eclipse JDT language server
- by sublimelsp ST3 Trending 26K Installs
Schema validation/completions for your JSON and Sublime files
- by sublimelsp ST4 2K Installs
Julia support for Sublime's LSP plugin using LanguageServer.jl
- by sublimelsp ST4 2K Installs
Kotlin support for Sublime's LSP package
- by sublimelsp ST3 2K Installs
XML support for Sublime's LSP plugin
- by aleohq ST4 172 Installs
Leo syntax and language server
- by scalameta ST3 3K Installs
Sublime Text package for Metals, a language server for Scala
- by sublimelsp ST4 298 Installs
A convenience package for the official Nim language server.
- by sublimelsp ST4 4K Installs
Convenience plugin to install/update OmniSharp for LSP
- by Sublime-Instincts ST4 2K Installs
Prisma schema support for Sublime Text's LSP package using the Prisma Language Tools.
- by prometheus-community ST3 1K Installs
PromQL support for Sublime LSP plugin, using promql-langserver
- by sublimelsp ST3 Trending 25K Installs
Python support for Sublime's LSP plugin provided through microsoft/pyright.
- by sublimelsp ST4 Trending 16K Installs
Convenience package for rust-analyzer
- by sublimelsp ST3 273 Installs
PHP support for Sublime's LSP plugin using Serenata
- by sublimelsp ST4 95 Installs
Sass support for Sublime’s LSP plugin through Some Sass language server
- by sublimelsp ST3 4K Installs
Convenience plugin for Svelte Language Tools
- by HuygensING ST3 126 Installs
Sublime plugin for TAGML Language server
- by sublimelsp ST3 7K Installs
Tailwind css support for Sublime's LSP plugin
- by sublimelsp ST4 3K Installs
Convenience package for the terraform language server
- by sublimelsp ST4 1K Installs
LaTeX support for Sublime's LSP plugin provided through latex-lsp/texlab.
- by sublimelsp ST4 48 Installs
Twig support for Sublime’s LSP plugin
- by sublimelsp ST3 39K Installs
TypeScript, JavaScript support for Sublime LSP plugin
- by jdkato ST4 213 Installs
A vale-ls client for Sublime Text.
- by sublimelsp ST3 167 Installs
Vue support for Sublime's LSP plugin through Vetur (DEPRECATED)
- by sublimelsp ST3 7K Installs
Vue support for Sublime's LSP plugin
- by sublimelsp ST3 10K Installs
Vue support for Sublime's LSP plugin
- by sublimelsp ST3 9K Installs
YAML support for Sublime's LSP plugin using yaml-language-server
- by ColonelThirtyTwo 24K Installs
Sublime Text 3 plugin for auto-completion in Lua
- by FourierTransformer ST3 5K Installs
A Sublime Text 3 plugin for the lua-complete engine
- by viluon ST3 9K Installs
An improved ST3 Lua syntax definition.
- by MajorVictory ST3 111 Installs
Custom Lua 5.3 implementation for Venice Unleashed with additional support for EBX format text files.
- by tushortz 18K Installs
Offers Completion Suggestions for Matlab on Sublime text.
- by joepmoritz 22K Installs
Sublime package that adds all Matlab filenames in your project to auto complete
- by olls 120 Installs
Package for Maze language Sublime Text integration.
- by Oleg Shcherbyna ST3 129 Installs
Sublime Text 3 Syntax Plugin
- by Evan Greene ST3 2K Installs
mIRC mSL Sublime Text Syntax Highlighter and Autocomplete
- by Bondifrench 446 Installs
Sublime package for auto completions of usual Mithril methods
- by Max Hegler 646 Installs
A comprehensive syntax, autocompletion, and snippet package for Miva Script & MVT.
- by KeeMeng ST3 468 Installs
Macro/Keybind Mod Syntax Highlighting for Sublime Text 3/4 (For Minecraft 1.6.2-1.12.2)
- by tillig 7K Installs
Sublime Text package for editing and executing MSBuild scripts.
- by Superxwolf 138 Installs
This is a Sublime Text 3 plugin for Nakama which includes all server documentation
- by Nessphoro 51K Installs
Provides actually decent code highlighting for x86-64 assembly in Sublime Text
- by tsvetan-ganev 3K Installs
{N}ativeScript snippets for Sublime Text.
- by vanyle ST4 1K Installs
Nim plugin for Sublime Text 4 with IDE like features
- by tanepiper, varp ST3 Trending Top 100 370K Installs
nodejs snippets and bindings for Sublime Text 3
- by idleberg 2K Installs
Sublime Text completions and snippets for Nullsoft Scriptable Install System (NSIS)
- by idleberg 7K Installs
Additional third-party plug-in completions for Nullsoft Scriptable Install System (NSIS)
- by idleberg 2K Installs
nsL Assembler syntax definitions and build system for Sublime Text
- by rmorrissey23 127 Installs
No description provided
- by OmniSharp ST3 63K Installs
C# IDE Plugin for Sublime Text 3
- by dparrini ST3 102 Installs
OpenDSS script files syntax definition for Sublime Text 3
- by bzarco ST3 3K Installs
Sublime Text plug-in for the OpenSees extension language of TCL (.tcl).
- by padawan-php ST3 MacLinux 651 Installs
A ST3 plugin for padawan.php completion server
- by punkochel 2K Installs
Pawn language settings for Sublime Text. Adapted for development under OpenMP.
- by Southclaws 43K Installs
Pawn language settings for Sublime Text 3. Copied from C++ but with Pawn language and SA:MP specific modifications.
- by jonasbn 864 Installs
SublimeText assistance for Perl's Test::Class
- by jonasbn 948 Installs
SublimeText assistance for Perl's Test::More
- by gerardroche 105K Installs
PHP completions for Sublime Text.
- by Jose Torres 25K Installs
Sublime plugin to auto generate PHP constructors based on the class attributes
- by migliori 11K Installs
PHP Form Builder is a Sublime Text 3 plugin for Php Form Builder, PHP class to build forms (http://codecanyon.net/item/php-form-builder/8790160)
- by Nuno Franco da Costa 57K Installs
generare getters and setters for php classes
- by gerardroche ST3 57K Installs
PHP macros for Sublime Text.
- by jotson 191K Installs
Auto-complete for PHP functions and objects
- by mbnuqw ST3 302 Installs
Postfix completions plugin for Sublime Text 3
- by dparrini ST3 654 Installs
Power Systems Analysis Tools files syntax definitions for Sublime Text
- by EstebanForge ST3 2K Installs
Sublime Text Completions for PureCSS (purecss.io)
- by tushortz 9K Installs
Completion features for PyQt with Sublime text
- by Abhishek Kumar ST4 130 Installs
Sublime Text plugin to generate python import statements and run django or pytest tests
- by futureprogrammer360 764 Installs
📸 Collection of Sublime Text snippets for computer vision and image processing in Python (Imports, OpenCV, Pillow)
- by futureprogrammer360 3K Installs
📊 Collection of Sublime Text snippets for data science and machine learning in Python (Imports, NumPy, Pandas, Matplotlib, Scikit-learn, Keras, PyTorch, etc)
- by futureprogrammer360 794 Installs
🌐 Collection of Sublime Text snippets for web scraping in Python
- by danielwagner ST2 170 Installs
A qooxdoo package for Sublime Text 2
- by tushortz 13K Installs
Completion features for Qt with Sublime text
- by twolfson 741 Installs
Silence query completions in Sublime Text
- by SharanSharathi ST3 248 Installs
QuickTemplate (Go): source.qtpl syntax highlighting, code completion & build system for sublime
- by mjeffrey18 8K Installs
Sublime Text 2 & 3, Plugin adding auto completions for Ruby on rails
- by Thomas Welter ST3 1K Installs
This plugin for Sublime Text 3 adds completions for es modules, import file paths and browser api's.
- by MOM ST3 Win 61 Installs
This plugin adds RS-Balance 3 completions and some IDE-like functions to Sublime Text 3
- by rsense 811 Installs
Intelligent code completion for Ruby in the Atom Editor. Requires Rsense.
- by tillt ST3 2K Installs
Sublime Text 3 C, C++ and Objective C code completion, navigation plugin based on RTags.
- by idleberg 94 Installs
Syntax completions for ScummC functions and variable names
- by lawrencebell ST3 Missing 497 Installs
security testing
- by dmnsgn 221 Installs
Completions and snippets for Sketch.js.
- by s-clerc 640 Installs
Interactive Lisp IDE with REPL, Inspector, Debugger and more for Sublime Text 4.
- by ppalex7 ST3 4K Installs
SourcePawn auto-completion and build-system
- by futureprogrammer360 323 Installs
🚀 Sublime Text package for Python's data science package Streamlit with completion, build system, and documentation
- by drewcrawford, dunkelstern ST3 MacLinux 133 Installs
SourceKit can crash more than just Xcode
- by Kronuz Top 25 1.85M Installs
Full-featured code intelligence and smart autocomplete engine
- by JulianEberius ST3 102K Installs
ST3 only: A rewrite of SublimeRope for ST3, uses the Rope library to add python completions and refactoring to ST3
- by gerardroche ST3 5K Installs
Sublime Text API completions.
- by edelvalle ST3 MacLinux 3K Installs
This is a sublime plug-in that provide IDE like capabilities to sublime when working with the Elixir language.
- by idleberg 3K Installs
Sublime Text completions for a variety of popular SVG icons
- by Dan2552 MacLinux 7K Installs
Swift autocompletion in Sublime Text using SourceKitten
- by johncsnyder 5K Installs
Swift autocompleter for Sublime Text, via the adorable SourceKitten framework
- by Webchun 1K Installs
Tachyons Autocomplete for Sublime Text 3
- by Novus Nota ST3 25 Installs
All-in-one package for Tact programming language
- by Brad Cornes ST3 7K Installs
No description provided
- by danklammer 23K Installs
Tailwind CSS Autocomplete for Sublime Text 3/4
- by Zander-Labuschagne ST3 56 Installs
Thrustmaster T.A.R.G.E.T. for Sublime Text 3.
- by microsoft ST2/ST3 Top 100 556K Installs
IO wrapper around TypeScript language services, allowing for easy consumption by editor plugins
- by RonanDrouglazet 91K Installs
Typescript auto completion with your project method name, and inject method manually with a module/class/method dictionary build from your TypeScript project
- by uikit 26K Installs
Sublime Plugin
- by ulyssesapp 1K Installs
Sublime Text 2 plugin for Ulysses Style Sheets
- by @antouank 11K Installs
Sublime Text snippets plugin, for the Underscore.js API ( http://underscorejs.org/# )
- by unitjs 573 Installs
Sublime Text package which includes several handy snippets for writing unit tests with Unit.js.
- by oferei 26K Installs
Unity3D Completions - Sublime Text Plugin
- by oferei 14K Installs
Unity3D Completions Light - Sublime Text Plugin
- by waqiju ST3 10K Installs
A sublime text plugin which aim at boosting happiness when editing Unity Shader, behaved as IDE-like, followed the lastest Unity release.
- by pajacobson ST3 158 Installs
Unity - Unit Testing for C Completions for Sublime Text
- by andref 173 Installs
Software AG Natural package for Sublime Text.
- by Zinggi 6K Installs
Auto-completion, Syntax Highlighting, Go to Declaration, Build and Run and more..
- by David Bekoyan 1K Installs
Easy setup virtual host
- by Bruno Cardoso 8K Installs
Visualforce bundle for Sublime Text
- by indrekpaas Missing 1K Installs
WAI-ARIA Roles, States and Properties auto-completion for Sublime Text
- by cityzendata ST3 64 Installs
No description provided
- by webdriverio-boneyard 3K Installs
Sublime Text 2/3 bundle for WebdriverIO autocompletion
- by katsew 3K Installs
WebGL Completions for Sublime Text
- by whizzml ST3 127 Installs
Sublime Package for WhizzML
- by idleberg 391 Installs
Syntax completions and snippets for Winamp skin developers
- by LTM 4K Installs
Autocompletion for Gutenberg blocks.
- by LuckyGeck ST3 7K Installs
Sublime Text 3 plugin for C++ code completion and error highlighting, based on Ycmd server
- by udokmeci 16K Installs
Autocomplete Triggers for Sublime Text
- by mwa ST4 468 Installs
Use AI from the comfort of Sublime Text to auto-complete code or chat with LLMs.
- by sublime-ycmd ST3 4K Installs
Sublime Text 3 Plugin for YCMD
- by Siew Yi Liang 1K Installs
ZBrush ZScript syntax highlighter for Sublime Text
- by James Dinsdale 9K Installs
Native ZSH autocompletion and snippets for sublime text